If you’re fairly new to the HVAC world, there are a lot of things to learn. One of the first things you may stumble across is ductwork, as many HVAC systems rely on it to effectively do their job. We’re going to discuss what ductwork is and why it’s an important component of your home’s entire HVAC system below.

What Is Ductwork?

Ductwork is a name given to an entire ventilation system made of ducts, constructed of either metal or synthetic. This ventilation system is responsible for two main things. First, it transports expended air from the rooms in your home to your HVAC system to be either heated or cooled, depending on the season. Its second responsibility is to deliver that fresh hot or cold air back to each room of your home.

Each room will have two air vents. One is considered the supply vent where fresh hot or cold air is delivered into the room. The other is considered a return vent where expended air travels back to your HVAC system to be treated. Typically, most of your ducts are hidden behind walls and underneath your flooring. Other than in your basement, you’re not likely to see any exposed ducting.

The Main Components of Ductwork

While ductwork is a name given to your entire ventilation system, it’s made up of various components. First are the pipes and trunks. This is what you think of when you look at the actual ducts that flow through your home. Pipes provided a direct open pathway for air to flow. Trunks are considered the main ducts that are usually larger and connect to your physical HVAC system.

Next, we have the plenum, which is in two specific areas of your ductwork system. The first is the supply plenum that fills with hot or cold air and connects directly to your HVAC system and your ducts. The second is the return plenum where your HVAC filter is housed to filter out the expended air from the various rooms of your home.

Do All HVAC Systems Use Ducting?

Ducting is a very prominent component of most types of HVAC systems, including furnaces and central air conditioning systems. However, not all HVAC systems will require the use of ductwork to control the temperature in your home. For example, ductless mini-split units rely on indoor air handler units while hot water boilers rely on piping and radiators to control your home’s temperature.

How Long Does Ductwork Last?

Most ductwork will last anywhere between 10 and 15 years, with proper care. Eventually, it will start to deteriorate and lead to unwanted leaks and gaps throughout your ductwork. Unfortunately, these leaks can allow your hot or cold air to escape into your wall cavities. Then, your HVAC system will have to run even longer to adequately get your home to the appropriate temperature.

There are a few key indicators that will let you know your ductwork is likely going to need to be replaced in the near future. First is experiencing poor indoor air quality even though you have a fresh HVAC filter in place. Some other key indicators include inconsistent temperatures, rising energy bills, moldy odors, and physical damage to your ducting.

What Maintenance Do Air Ducts Require?

Just like any other system in your home, your air ducts are going to require regular maintenance to stay in good working condition. There are two main services that your ductwork will need, which are sealing and cleaning. Air duct cleaning works to remove any buildup debris inside of your ducts, which goes a long way in enhancing your indoor air quality.

How often you need to get your ductwork cleaned will highly depend on the specific conditions of your home. Most individuals can benefit from professional duct cleaning service every three years. Those who suffer from asthma or allergies may want to get their ducts cleaned more often. Duct sealing service works to identify the leaks in your ducting and seals them back up to prevent a loss of air. It’s generally recommended to have this service done every five years, as it will go a long way toward reducing your energy bills.

Reliable Ductwork Services

E.P. Omega Air Conditioning LLC offers reliable ductwork services throughout the whole El Paso, TX community. We can help with all your heating, air conditioning, ductless mini-split, indoor air quality, duct cleaning, HVAC zoning, and sheet metal fabrication needs. Simply call our office today to schedule your next consultation with one of our helpful HVAC technicians.

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